
Beauty doesn’t require makeup

These photos are of me with no drop of makeup. I have my extensions on and a black and white filter and nothing else. Of course first seeing these photos I didn’t know how to feel.. constantly picking at every flaw. Personally my whole life I have loved makeup, and anything to do with beauty and fashion was 100% my thing, but recently in the past few years “social media” has possibly taken a down fall on so many young girls’ idea of what “beauty” is. 

Everyday we see photos of beautiful, skinny girls who have no acne, no bags, no issues… seeing this implies to many of the younger generation that THAT is what the definition of beauty is. 

It is not. 

Your flaws are beautiful, embrace them 

Beauty does not require makeup. Beauty is you, your flaws, the way your face curves, the bags under your eyes that were created because last night you had to stay up to study. Beauty is the colour of your eyes when they’re staring into someone else’s, it is when your lips seperate and show your teeth because you smile. Beauty is the way you love, the way you talk, the way you laugh, and the way you give.

It is so easy today to get lost in everybody else, but it is important to remind yourself that you are beautiful, and your natural self and your full glam self are just as beautiful as each other. 




How to Survive in University (yes, it is possible..)

Oh god..

let me tell you, it’s only 12 weeks into law school and I have paragraph on paragraph I could share with you but I think to make it simpler, I’m going to bullet point it!

  1. Do something you LOVE: Uni is a place where you have the choice on what you want to do and what you’re going to do with your future, and it’s truly important that you spend the next few years of your life doing something you love and are passionate about. If you don’t you probably will end up hating and regretting it. I am currently in Law and I am at a point where I am thinking of changing into Communications, majoring in PR, either doing both or changing completely. Lets be serious, I’m creative thats who I am, and its important to follow your dreams especially now. Don’t continue in something you don’t like just because of the fear of others being judged or because someone wants you to.. you have to be in it for the right reasons. We’ve only got one life so might aswell follow our passions, right?
  2.  DO NOT PROCASTINATE: look I know what you’re thinking, Ok mum cool, but no listen, your life will become hell and you will regret it the night before. This is not high school, you will not pass by doing nothing, I promise. You can not BS your way through uni, work becomes harder and teachers become stricter. the end.

    We’ve only got one life so might aswell follow our passions, right?

  3. Go to the lectures: look I totally get it, you don’t ‘have to’ and look there are definitely times where getting out of bed at 7 becomes hard or getting up on a monday becomes hard after turning 18 but set your priorities, because this may break or make this sem.
  4. ENJOY UNI:  Its not always fun, i know, but find a balance. YES that        can be done. Party, go out, go to your OWEEK celebrations, i mean youre about to spend your whole life working, so go out and have fun while you can. Uni can actually be the best time of your life, or the worst, it is honestly all up to you and how you want uni to be.
  5. If you fail, DONT give up: So.. you failed, guess what; you’re not the only one in the world (I promise) It can feel devastating and you may feel like you’re not good enough or should just drop out at this point but hey… here’s a list of people who failed their first time to make you feel better…
    • Walt Disney – fired from job because he ‘lacked imagination’
    • Steven Spielberg – rejected from university
    • Dick Cheney (a past vice president) – dropped out of YALE
    • Vera Wang – failed at getting into the olympic games, but then became editor of Vogue
    • Thomas Edison – Teachers told him he was too stupid to learn anything
    • Oh and Lady GAGA who got dropped from her label three months in because they didn’t think she was going anywhere… hmm okay

see.. doesn’t always turn out too bad.. dust yourself off and try again,          you’re not the only one to fail a uni class, and you’re definitely not the only one to fail at something.

Uni is not supposed to ruin your life, it’s actually trying to help you create your life, so enjoy this time, enjoy what you’re studying and know that if you aren’t happy YOU have the power to change that. Make friends, life long friends, have fun and make killer memories because you’re about to go out and work forever, so might as well enjoy life while you can.

Hope you enjoyed this, if you have anymore to add comment down below!!





I Met Famous Youtuber’s!

Okay so just being honest here I am still a bit shaken up by the fact I met Shani Grimmond, Michael Finch, AND Rahnee Bransby two days ago through Benefit x Princess Polly’s ‘Double Trouble’ tour bus!


These people have truly been idols to me since I was 13 and discovered Shani on youtube when I was still wearing black eyeliner and didn’t even know what concealer was. Getting to meet her felt like a dream come true.

Shani: “I love your outfit where did you get it?”

Me: “Don’t tell anyone but Supre!”

They were extremely sweet and holy cow Shani was stunning. They all looked exactly how you thought and saw on youtube.

(ALSO I was featured in Rahnee’s new vlog and I may have cried)